Saturday, August 28, 2010

On Direction

There is a theory that a fundamental shift has taken place in the rearing of our children. It asserts that children in our society are beginning to form stronger attachments with one another than with the adults in their lives. Busy parents and a lack of moral instruction in child care facilities and public schools are contributing factors. But regardless of the cause, the result seems to be that children are looking to other children for guidance and affirmation of what is right and wrong.
I mention this because I think it is a helpful picture of what appears to be happening in our churches. So many of us seem to be focused on one another. We look to one another as an example of what it means to live a Christian life. We rely on one another for guidance and affirmation that we are on the right track. This is not necessarily bad. Taken together with Christ as our head, it is probably a great thing. But we need to ask ourselves if Christ is genuinely our head. Is Christ who we look to as our foremost authority? Is He Who we set as our example? Is it from Christ that we seek our strongest affirmation? If not, we are not necessarily headed in the right direction. We are merely travelling together.

1 comment:

  1. "We are merely travelling together" a very sobering thought Maggie, very well put.
    It comes down to the question that we all need to ask,"Is Jesus Lord of all of my life."
